Grown-up Edition
At the Cove, we understand that as a parent or guardian, you likely have lots of questions as you get ready to send your child to camp. Take a look below for some of the most frequent questions we hear from parents. More information about your specific camp will be sent out ahead of time.
When is drop-off and pick-up?
For grades 7-9 camp, drop off is at 3 pm on registration day, and pickup is at 1 pm on the final day. For all other overnight camps, drop off is at 3 pm, and pickup is at 6 pm.
For day camps, drop off is between 8-9 am each day, and pickup is between 4:30 - 5 pm.
What if I can't pick up my child?
Please let us know if someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up your child at the end of the week. Please also arrange with the Camp Administration Personnel if you need to pick up your child earlier in the day so that we can ensure they are packed and ready to go when you arrive.
What is the Refund Policy?
The pre-registration fee is non-refundable. If your child decides to not attend prior to camp, the rest of their registration will be refunded. If a camper decides to leave early, a partial refund may be issued on a case by case basis.
Can I visit my child during the week?
We don't encourage family and friends to come visit their child during the week of camp as we have found it makes the adjustment to camp life more challenging for the campers, often sparking homesickness instead of lessening it. We do encourage families to leave special notes for their child that will be delivered by the staff throughout the week. If there is an emergency and you need to contact your child during their time at camp, please contact the Camp Office. During the special occasion of a baptism, we invite families to join for the celebration. All visitors are subject to camp policy while on the property. For Health and Safety reasons, no pets are allowed on the premises.
What happens with my child's medication?
At the time of registration, the Camp Services Coordinator or designated health worker must be made aware of and given all medications and prescriptions, for the safety of all campers and staff. Thank you for complying with these terms. The use of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs is strictly prohibited.
Is there a dress code?
The Camp wishes to promote an atmosphere of respect. Campers and staff are expected to wear appropriate clothing and the Camp Managers reserve the right to define the term "inappropriate". Campers and staff who do not comply will be required to change into appropriate clothing. Clothing that will be considered inappropriate include spaghetti straps, halter tops, short shorts, tube tops, any tops or pants depicting messages whether pictures of written form that are profane, demeaning or promoting illegal or immoral activity or promote the use of alcohol or drugs. Tights must have an appropriate top that covers the lower area of the bottom (fingertip length). This dress code will be strictly adhered to.
Couldn't find the answer to your question?
Please contact us and let us know!